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zsh command not found skm


When trying to use skm in the terminal, you may encounter the error zsh: command not found: skm, indicating that the .splashkit directory is not included in your PATH.

Error Example


To resolve this, add the .splashkit folder to your .zshrc file. Follow the steps below:

  1. Locate Your .zshrc File

    The .zshrc file is located in your home directory at ~/Users/(your username)/.

    If you don’t see it, press Shift + Command + . (dot) to toggle hidden files visibility in Finder.

  2. Identify Your Username (Optional)

    To ensure you’re in the correct directory, you can use the whoami command in Terminal to check your username:

    Terminal window

    Username Check Example

  3. Add SplashKit to PATH

    Open the .zshrc file with a text editor and add the following line at the end to include the SplashKit path:

    Terminal window
    export PATH="$HOME/.splashkit:$PATH"
  4. Optional: Add .NET Path to PATH

    For .NET compatibility, add this line to your .zshrc file as well:

    Terminal window
    export PATH="/usr/local/share/dotnet:$PATH"
  5. Optional: Enable VS Code from Terminal

    To enable the code . command for opening Visual Studio Code from the terminal, add the following line:

    Terminal window
    export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"
  6. Apply Changes

    Save the .zshrc file and then reload it with the following command to apply changes immediately:

    Terminal window
    source ~/.zshrc

After completing these steps, your terminal should recognize the skm command, and you should be able to use SplashKit as expected.